Our belief

We believe all children who come into contact with the law have a right to specialist legal representation, advice and information to enable them to realise their rights.

What we do

We draw on the expertise of our members to:


Promote best practice

Promote best practice in legal representation for children throughout the legal profession and beyond.



Influence, advance reform to policy makers, lawyers, local and national decision makers.



Work collaboratively to advance children’s legal rights.


Strategic litigation and policy reform

Identify opportunities for strategic litigation and policy reform.


Evolve learning

Evolve cross jurisdictional and cross disciplinary legal learning and understanding.


Develop a curriculum

Develop curriculum and provide support to entities delivering training on the core skills required to be a lawyer for children.


Build a Community

Build a community of legal practitioners who specialise in acting as lawyers for children.


Provide advice and support

Provide advice, support, and share information amongst members

Who we are

We are a network of 9 leading child legal NGOs.

We advocate for a child centred approach for lawyers for children. We provide learning materials on the skills to be a lawyer for children across legal disciplines

Learning opportunities